About PKF Uruguay
PKF Uruguay is a member of PKF International network.
We are a professional firm of high prestige and excellence with more than 60 years of experience that provides audit, consulting and tax services as well as business solutions such as accounting and labor outsourcing, corporate secretariats and treasury services, among others.
About PKF International Limited
PKF International Limited (PKFI) is one of the most important accounting and audit firms in the world. It is a global family of legally independent firms with a presence in the 5 continents through more than 500 offices located in more than 150 countries. With over 21,000 professionals all over the world it generates annual incomes of over 2 billion dollars.
Why choose PKF Uruguay?
Our mission is to give our clients a quality service focused on their specific needs, designing and implementing solutions according to their requirements. Our commitment, experience and personalized attention combine to help our clients achieve value and competitive advantage on their business.
Our philosophy is to deliver added value to our clients. We work to satisfy the needs of our clients, constantly assisting them in all our areas, collaborating with them to provide them with an excellent service, helping them to make the right decisions and overcome any conjunctural problems that may arise.
Through the built connections and a profound knowledge of the company’s activity we help clients while their business grow, verifying financial results, suggesting suitable changes and protecting the created value.
Our Firm bets on the continuity of the services and a fluid and lasting businessman - professional relationship. Furthermore, we are convinced the development of our Human Resources is the key element that gives quality and professionalism to the service, necessary attributes to ensuring the continuity of the services and achieving our goal: ‘better the client’s business’. As such, we pay close attention to the growth and satisfaction of our people.
Our partners and professionals’ high specialization and the personalized attention to our clients are the main added values of our Firm, becoming pillars that ensure our clients receive a technically superior service, directed to their business and given within the stipulated time