CPA Federico Carrau
Accountant - Partner
Tel: +598 26002255
Email: fcarrau@pkf.uy
Professional Experience
Academic Studies:
- 2001 - School of Economics and Administration - Universidad de la República. Degree: Certified Public Accountant
Professional Associations:
- Member of the Uruguayan Economists, Accountants and Administrators College.
Courses, Conferences and Seminars:
- Participation in multiple training sessions, presentations and exhibitions about Financial, Legal and Corporate issues since 2000 to date.
Service Records:
- 2011 to date - PKF Uruguay partner and responsible for Corporate Finance and Marketing areas.
- Professional development focused on corporate advice in business concretion and corporate management at a macro level.
- Expertise in local business, particularly in advising Brazilian inversors in the acquisition and concretion of business, finances and societies forms
- Director and Trustee of local companies providing specific advice to senior management.
- 2006 - Vecino & Martin Valdés accounting firm partner.
- 2002 - He worked in uruguayan bank "Banco Comercial" carring out tasks relatives to credit analysis and audit and Brazilian market risk analysis in the "Business and Credit Analysis" sector and all loan sectors of the Bank. Corporate account officer in charge of multinational companies with loans of over one million dollars.
- 2000 - Internship on U.S. Clearstreambanking (former Cedel Bank) - New York, which its focus is set on clearing and custody of worldwide financial products. This internship was a comprehensive understanding of all areas of the company and its processes, focusing essentially in the commercial and operational areas.
- 2000 - ING Bank: retail banking management, performing management control tasks, such as profitability analysis, market risks, budget analysis and support and analysis on the area of investments for customers.
- Consulting
- Tax counseling and compliance
- Investment projects
- Off-Shore Advice
- Corporate Finance
- Fiduciary services - Trusts
- Corporate and legal services