Cr. Juan Antonio Chiarino
Accountant - consultant
Tel: +598 2902 0597
Email: jachiarino@pkf.uy
Professional Experience
Academic Studies:
- 1976: School of Economics and Administration - Universidad de la República. Degree: Certified Public Accountant and Bachelor of Administration.
- 2000: Universidad de Montevideo (Uruguay). Degree: Postgraduate in High Management.
Professional Associations:
- Member of the Uruguayan Economists, Accountants and Administrators College.
- He was Member of the Accounting Standards Committee of the Accountants, Administrators and Economists College in Uruguay.
- He is Supernumerary Academic of the National Academy of Economics.
Courses, Conferences and Seminars:
- Continuous training through participation in multiple training sessions, presentations and exhibitions on tax matters, accounting and auditing standards.
- Specially, continuous training in Professional Courses related to IFRS and nationally and internationally NIAS.
Service Records:
- PKF Uruguay consultant.
- Auditing department. Implementation of Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 - SOX, COSO-RISK method.
- Participation in audits in various Industrial, Commercial, Financial and Services companies.
- He Participated as Director and / or Consultant in various projects financed by international organizations (IBRD, IDB, GTZ, HBS, etc.).
- He was a trustee and member of various Audit committees of Industrial and Commercial companies, service companies and banks and other financial institutions.
- Minister of Industry and Energy Ministry, 1982-1984.
- Minister assistant on the Economy and Finance Ministry, 1981-1982.
- Director of the Uruguay Central Bank, 1978-1981.
- Alternate Governor of FONPLATA - 1981.
- Official representative to various national and international organizations (IMF, IBRD, IDB, GATT, etc.)
Seminars or Courses Taught:
- 2008 - Speaker on workshop about "IRAE FICTO" (notional rent tax).
- 1977 - 1978 - Member of the "Business Management" cathedra and assistant of the "Quantitative Methods Applied to Business" at the University of Engineering and Surveying.
- 1996 - Author of the "Professional Standards International Handbook - MINP", PKF Uruguay – Montevideo.
- 1975 - 1976 - He was part of the "Industrial Administration and Accounting" cathedra at the School of Economics and Administration
- 1995 - Author of "Alternative Financing through the Stock Exchange" - Uruguay Central Bank (BCU), Montevideo
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