Audit Service on labor regulations and occupational safety and hygiene of subcontracts
The audit of labour regulation of subcontracts involves controlling, on behalf of the main Company, the correct compliance with the labour obligations and formalities of subcontractors and third parties. The result of the audit is a periodic report of results so that the Company can request corrections for the non-compliances detected from subcontractors and third parties. To carry out the review process, PKF Uruguay has a practical system developed by the firm itself.
In accordance with the provisions of Laws 18,099 and 18,251, any employer or entrepreneur who uses subcontractors, intermediaries or suppliers of labour will be jointly liable for labour obligations, as well as the payment of social security contributions , of the insurance premium for work accidents and professional illnesses and of the sanctions and recoveries that are owed to the Insurance Bank corresponding to workers that the subcontractor, intermediary or supplier of labour that affects the services provided.
Through our AUDITER platform, we can check the compliance of control with labour regulations, and occupational safety and hygiene in each of the stages of the project that involves Contractors, Subcontractors and Outsourced services.
For these purposes, the objective is:
- Check the policies and procedures adopted by the Company when signing contracts with contractors, considering current legal regulations, with the aim that they comply with said regulations and thus obtain the necessary documentation to carry out audit controls.
- Verify that the Company, Contractors, Subcontractors and outsourced companies comply with what was agreed in the contracts.
- Analyze the results and issue periodic reports aimed at minimizing risks of future claims
We have a team of Preventionist experts in Occupational Safety and Hygiene, that periodically visits the working places to identify risks that clients may be exposed and thus be able to anticipate the occurrence of unwanted events.
WE also have experts in Labor Regulations specialized in the review of procedures and documentation, and on-site surveys.
This equipment makes it possible to monitor labour standards and risk prevention in situ, which allows discovering the real situation regarding existing work conditions, and verifying strong and weak points that serve as a guide to improve them.